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NC Science Olympiad is a competitive STEM event for students across the state sponsored by North Carolina State University and corporate partners. Students compete across their choice of 23 different activities regionally at East Carolina University. Regional winners compete at the state level at NCSU. Terra Ceia provides this opportunity for Middle School and High School.  Within each level, students will compete in groups of 2-5 people. The events are quite diverse ranging from investigation events (like Disease Detectives) to building events (like Tower or Flight) to inquiry events (like Fast Facts or Learn it Do it).

This rigorous but fun academic extracurricular activity will help your student gain in-depth scientific knowledge, experience working in teams and have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and to earn further recognition. 
All participants receive recognition on their college transcript demonstrating their passion for science and receive the opportunity to meet other kids, as well as academic and corporate leaders in STEM fields.  
Excellent performance at regional events provides the opportunity to win awards and favorable positions for college scholarships. 
To find out more about the North Carolina Science Olympiad visit NC Science Olympiad